Bundoora Calisthenics Club is a not-for-profit club that strives to keep its member fees as low as possible. In order to keep functioning as a club, we need to fundraise throughout the year. Holding fundraising events and drives allows us to provide our members with some incredible opportunities, including hosting a spectacular annual gala.
Bundoora Calisthenic Club is also a registered activity provider with the Get Active Kids voucher program, providing eligible members with quarterly vouchers towards fees.
To discuss fundraising opportunities, please reach out to our fundraising coordinator on fundraisingbundoora@gmail.com.
Northern District Calisthenic Competition
NDCC sponsor us annually in the form of a scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to one of our very lucky Sub Junior performers and in honour of one of our very own founding members, Margaret Sprague! Thank you to NDCC and Margaret Sprague for your continued support in the recognition and growth of our young performers within our club and sport.

Sponsorship Opportunities
For any enquiries regarding sponsorship opportunities, including individual or team sponsorship, please reach out to our Sponsorship Coordinator on sponsorshipbundoora@gmail.com.

Memorial Awards
Our Memorial Awards are in memory of Bundoora Calisthenic members who have made an impact on the clubs growth and evolution, helping mould our community into the wonderful club it is today.
Every year at our Presentation Gala Night, our Coaches are privileged to award one performer from their section with a Scholarship or one of our very special Memorial Awards.​
Life Membership
Life membership is an honour bestowed to long serving, committed club members and supporters. It is a prestigious way of thanking those members who have given generously, selflessly and have gone above and beyond to the club in honouring their loyalty and assistance.
All of our Life Members are acknowledged and presented formally for their recognition and obtainment at our Annual Presentation Gala Night.
Club Girl Awards
Junior Club Girl Award
Our Junior Club Girl Award is in honour of Maree Eddings, life member, participant and coach who worked with the clubs younger sections for over 30 years. Maree instilled strong core development foundations and skill sets to many young girls over the years, which has helped them develop into confident young women in and outside of the sport.

Senior Club Girl Award
Our Senior Club Girl Award is in honour of Vanessa Patterson, life member, participant, principal coach and dedicated committee member for over 40 years with Bundoora Calisthenic Club. Through her guidance, mentorship, passion and love for our sport, Vanessa has been an important club contributor across all sections with great success within our Intermediate and Senior sections growth and evolution over the years.
Both these awards are in honour of these two very special people.